Tuesday, June 2, 2015


It was brought to my attention by an early reader of this blog that I should make clear who my target audience is. While I would like to think that my posts are aimed at all parents, it is unreasonable of me to expect to appeal to everyone. I think that while all families have commonalities, each family is different and has different needs and challenges. So, if what I am offering resonates with you, then keep reading. If it doesn't, then seek another source of information and advice. Parenting literature and advice abounds, so you should have no trouble finding an author whose philosophy and style is a good match for you.

One thing that I will admit is that parents of children with special needs may find my advice less helpful than parents of children with more mainstream issues. These parents may benefit from reading books and articles aimed more specifically at meeting their needs. Also, parents living in poverty may be unable to parent the way they would like due to their circumstances. These parents may need to seek the advice of someone who is more well versed in parenting children in this situation. But, because all families, regardless of circumstances, share many challenges, I am hopeful that this blog will be part of the reading of parents in a wide variety of situations.

So, while I will do my best to consider a variety of families and children when writing my posts, I will undoubtedly fall short at times. Please give me the benefit of the doubt and assume that I am trying my best to write about universal parenting issues and to take into consideration a variety of parenting circumstances. If I need to consider other points of view, please don't hesitate to comment on my posts. I will do my best to respond to all comments and to take them into consideration in future posts. All I can do is to do the best I can, and that is what I will try to do.

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